A mournful cry outside the Lab window
The blues singer
Before the altar
With his cup
Jangling in rhythm
Up in the Ojai Mountains
At the sweatlodge
You listened to the hum of the Earth
This is what you remember when
You hear the Blues sung to the setting sun
On the eve of the Summer Solstice
A day for celebration
Earth formed into mandalas
Of Rebirth
The day of Persephone’s
The turning of the wheel
Graffiti scrawled on the door today
Matt thinks it is for him
You were hoping it is for you
Federico immediately understood the meaning
The eruption of the shadow
And your spine is burning
So it is a fact
Sell out?
We aren’t selling anything
No, that is wrong
We are selling an idea
She is reading
From the piece of dictionary
In the Earth tub
Sell out!!
The shadow has emerged
The disease of celebrity
Easily remedied
By making art in attunement with cosmology
Your hairdresser, Adamo
A master of martial arts
Sends you to heaven today
As he shampoos your hair
He draws the triangle
So this is the flowering
The opening of the crown
And the body in full attunement
With the shift
Following the longest day of the year
Summer is here
A joyous time of celebration
Marigolds in bloom
The heart opening
Sun passing through Leo
The strongest sign
Let us return to the journey
Yesterday the passage
From altar to tub
Today the passage from tub
To Real World
Before you is now a mandala
A knocking on the window
Women and girls smiling
They know you are liberating them
From the past
But what about the male liberation?
That came up yesterday
Testosterone overload in the gallery
Matt accusing you of flirting with John
So astounded you were by his transformation
Since he taped your ritual
The priestess observed
The New Man
Respected the boundary
Drawn around the bed with the wax
The New Man
With a warrior physique!
Protects the feminine
He assures you, this is Earth
It means solidifying your power
And suddenly, a creative solution
You knew what to do
With the testosterone
Channel it into ritual
John left to get his camera
You conceived of a new performance
A shrine to the masculine
Peter Gabriel’s voice in the street
And so with the camera at your heels
You stripped off naked
And created an altar
The Resurrected Groom
Moon guiding you
Demanding integration of the male
Into the space
To solidify the passage
Before your feet, facing east
The Moonflower
Embraced by a pair of Sunflowers
And the Matrix you created
The heart connecting the four materials
In the South
Majestic, comforting Pine
With the hay
Invoking Summer
In the North
The Green Man
On the mound of Hemlock
Favorite poison of the Greeks
In the East
Cow Manure
Substance of energy
Spring’s renewal
In the West
Before the fountain
Cedar, sacred material
Of the sacred marriage
In the center
A heart
Basket of Marigolds
In the center
During the opening ceremony
You created a matrix
Two mandoras
Funneling into the heart
Genital Heart connection
Cedar, in the west
Manure, in the east
The shadow had to be integrated
That is what the assemblage says
Below the map to Real World
Containing the shadow
The Black Face soap
Peter Gabriel’s Witness
From the Beacon Theater
So Over, Yet Everywhere
A New York Times article
On Conceptual art
Title says it all
And the assemblage adds to the dialogue
A bird’s nest with golden eggshells
Rebirth in the East
You add symbols to help it along
Inanna, the hermaphrodite
Before the rabbit
The scales
With eggshells of gold and silver
Sol & Luna
Gold & Silver
Conjunctio in the heart
You knelt down before the clay vessel
Dipped your hands in volcanic mud
Poured water from your ancestral green vase
And entered the Earth
You became mud woman
As mud woman
You knew precisely what to do
Fixing the mounds
In the North
The mound transformed
Into the Goddess
Slim wasted
The integration of Sky Goddess
And Earth Goddess
Green Man at her head
Masculine and feminine merged
In Hemlock
Passion and poison
Opposite the Goddess
Another figure
Created with the Pine
In the South
The Venus symbol
A mirror
Changing to Mercury
Patron of the Alchemical Experiment
Mercury is the third ingredient of Alchemy
With sulfur and salt
The triangle of transmutation
You honor with the daily writing
How apt to welcome him into the circle
Another androgynous figure
Bringing down Mercury
Made the rest of the ritual
He guided you to
The bags Federico
Your Gemini partner
Handed you
Before departing on Sunday
A knock at the window
A young couple holding hands
The woman smiling and waving
You want to tell all men
To treat their partners like goddesses
That is your message
And when you see erotic displays
You know they get it
Peter Gabriel’s voice
Penetrating the shadow
The ego that refuses to surrender
Don’t talk back
Hands at the wheel
Don’t turn around
This is for real
The stones Federico polished
Poured into a basket
Dropped on the cedar
And the empty vials of Gingko
Brain food
He saved
Healing the mind
Of impurities
Cartesian thinking be damned!
You surround SO with vials
Healing the Left Brain dominance
In art and society
Mercurius at work!
The mandoras began as Yods
Projection and Image
Across the East-West Axis
Matrix ruling this space
Projection and image
You place the Mexican altarpiece
With its miniature narrative
Before SO
A painted image of
Man and Woman in the garden
A guitar
A platter of fruit
Tree of Life with Sol & Luna
On a branch
Oh, the flowering!!
Erotic charge pouring through you
Of the last shrine
Made with a male partner
The renegade painter who interrupted
Your journalist career
With his display of passion
During your interview
It occurred to you recently
That you went through all four stages
With him
The Alchemy of Love
Transforming the fire of attraction
The angst of Solutio
To the lovemaking of Earth
And friendship of sublimatio
The entire cycle
With a Leo
But tonight,
With Intima tonic
In your tea
You are recalling
The intimacy
Short lived
As it was
One good night
Of passion
That is all a Hispanic man gives you
Before running away
You give them this information
As the attraction
Gets out of control
And they say, that is prejudice
No, it is a fact!
So, you planned the night
Drew up a chart
Went to his studio during the day
And surrendered to his charm
His sweetness
You fucked on his futon
With your clothes on
His demons leering down at you
But you said
You must spend the night with me
And so you went to the Magic shop
Purchased a ritual package
Oil for the anointing
Candles for inscribing your astrological signs
Leo and Aquarius
Not a typical Leo
An eighties icon
East Village figure
He does something strange
Treats you like a friend
He shows you photographs of his
Mother & Father
Tragic beauties
Emaciated girlfriends
Lays down his myth
The child of bohemia
Caught in the romance
Of artistic suffering
And couldn’t you have predicted
After the flowering
The sculpture your lovemaking created
When the wax of your green candles
Green the color of the heart chakra
Aquarius & Leo
Melted into Oneness
The Conjunctio
He goes to the Munch exhibition
And drowns himself in the suffering
Love is a celebration
Not a tragedy
Well, the ego considers it death
To hell with the ego
Tell that to a Leo!
John tells you he is sweating
He sits on the ledge
You suddenly know how to proceed
You remove Inanna from the base
Of the Heart mandala
And Place her on the Peat Moss
In the corner of the gallery
Below the Goddess dress
Hung from a branch
The yod
Inanna on the mound
Solsbury Hill
Where you met the female warrior
Descendant of Ishtar
Iron Age goddess
Of war
The mound flattened
Into a male shrine
You take the cow from the window
The cow with the seeds in its belly
Moonflower and Sunflower
Planted in your mother’s garden
The cow with the seeds in its belly
Lords over the Mandora
Of rebirth of the masculine
Groom to the resurrected bride
Linked by a basket of marigolds
Flower of the heart
To the mandora
Of the Sacred Marriage
The cow as Great Mother
Honoring the birth
Of the New Man
You see them flowering
As they wave from the window
Matt who enters the gallery
And asks you to draw up
For his wedding
On the Leo Full Moon
A Sacred Marriage
Bringing Heaven down to Earth!
At 8:10, the precise moment
Of Federico’s solar return
You bless his process
Of honoring the Earth Goddess
And the Goddess in the woman
The flowering of the New Man
In the alchemist’s images
Peter Gabriel’s voice
The mournful Bluesman before the altar
All leading the way
Through the triangle
Heaven, Earth & Human
Into the Sacred Marriage
On this Solstice Eve
Blessed be!
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